Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Well, for those of you who are in close contact with me you probably know that I am currently infatuated in a plethora of activities which are constricting, and or otherwise inhibiting, my ability (or energy) to update this blog on a more consistent basis.

And the fact that I just wrote that obnoxious paragraph just proves how stretched out I am.

Currently I am working once again as the Session Aide to a Senator here in the WA State Senate. In my spare time I am helping dad get our house ready to sell, as we are moving to the East Coast next month. I am also working as a contractor doing web work.

But that is just part of my day.

The rest is filled with the thousands of unknown known’s (a quote from Donald Rumsfeld that you should Google) that pop up when you are producing a film.

Brian and I have been working tirelessly to keep DialTone on schedule and shot before we move in March. Thanks to a fantastic crew we have been doing very well so far and are well on our way to getting it done in time.

In any event, I’ll be taking a break from blogging here for the next month or so. You will find me over at germaneproductions.blogspot.com instead.

By the way, if you support Christian filmmaking please consider making a donation to Germane Productions. We need you help! It’s amazing what costs are incurred when you make a film, but trust me, it costs!

Thanks for reading! I’ll be back soon.